How to be Plastic-free July ready (baby edition)


Excited to do something really special for your baby and the earth?

What started small in Western Australia in 2011 has now become a global phenomenon.

Giving up plastic is hard. Especially when you are a parent!

There are plastic toys, (plastic) baby wipes, disposable nappies (also plastic) and a million other plastic things that made our lives as parents that much easier. 

But there are small ways that we can do in July (and beyond!) to live consciously on our blue planet. 

Start getting ready for July by consciously challenging our habits and adopting one or two of these alternatives:

First, mentally prepare yourself

This month is not about perfection (it never is).

Don't let the fear of not being perfect hold you back from trying. If you try to do everything in a week and go hard on your 'zero-waste' journey, it'll end up feeling like a chore. 

Stop. And regroup. 

Think about what you're most excited about switching and start from there. 

Focus on 1 thing. And do it right. 

Think of it as the month to step out of your comfort zone and use social media hashtags to motivate yourself and maybe your family and friends too! #plasticfreejuly

Make these physical changes to your routine

1.  At home, reduce the use of (plastic) baby wipes

When at home, I like to wash my babies' bottoms under running water instead of using wipes. This is especially the case with my girls when they were newborns and I wanted to avoid rubbing too hard. 

When you start being conscious of the amount of baby wipes you're using, you're more likely to think about whether you need that extra wipe.

2. Choose a more responsible wrap

From naptime snuggles to nursing covers (and even emergency spit-up catchers), swaddle blankets are a necessity for all mamas.

Our natural bamboo and certified organic cotton swaddle blankets are super soft, breathable and come in gorgeous prints for your baby. 


3. Choose natural fabric and avoid polyester

Buy less and consider cost per wear. The fashion industry is one of the most unsustainable, resource-intensive and exploitative industries out there.

Instead, choose good quality outfits that are made of organic cotton, bamboo, hemp, ethically-raised woodland other natural fibres.

I avoid clothing made from synthetic materials like: polyester, acrylic, lycra, spandex, nylon. In other words, plastic fabric. 

4. Wash baby bottles clean and green

For bottle-feeding mamas, washing and sterilising bottles can be the worst chore to do at the end of the day... when you are exhausted and running out of steam.

Our natural baby bottle cleanser has been developed specifically to be effective on tough milk stains, non-toxic for baby and safe for the earth. 


 5. Choose an eco-friendly crib mattress 

I bought a Delta Baby mattress because it is so SO comfortable. If you want to splurge, the crib mattress is equally, if not more important than the pram!

Why did I say that?

Because babies sleep so much - up to 20 hours in a day!

It is so important that the surfaces they are snuggled up to are free of chemicals and toxins. Delta baby mattress is made in Melbourne, and their foams are made from naturally occurring, bio-based, renewable materials.

My girls love sleeping on their mattresses and it is made to comply with Australian safety standards for cot mattresses and pass the SIDS test for firmness. Now that's something to rest easy about!


Are you ready to take the Plastic Free July challenge?

Get a head start on your preparations at One Eco Step! We have a range of mum-tested eco-friendly baby range from oxo-biodegradable breastmilk bags to biodegradable change mats.   

Go you!

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